10 Best Small Hypoallergenic Dogs For Families

best small hypoallergenic dogs for families
small hypoallergenic dogs for families

Small White Dog Breeds are irresistible to stay away from- but when you’re allergic to fur, things can get extremely difficult, and even sad. It pains to stay away from the adorable furballs but eventually, you have to succumb to your even more painful allergies. 

Not anymore though, because this list has the best small hypoallergenic dogs for families! These dogs don’t just prove to be good companions but also save you the hours spent on cleaning fur off furniture and clothes. 

Hypoallergenic dogs usually have a thin coat of fur that doesn’t shed much. The coat is also harmless to human skin which means that your allergies won’t be aggravated if you come in contact, allowing you to experience the companionship of a four-legged friend.

Low energy hypoallergenic dogs are also great for people who have small apartments or kids. Not all Small White Dog Breeds are compatible in this setting, therefore, you have to weigh all the factors before bringing a dog into your house. Here’s a list of some of the best hypoallergenic dogs for families

10 Best Small Hypoallergenic Dogs For Families

  1. Yorkshire Terrier
  2. Maltese
  3. Poodle
  4. Miniature Schnauzer
  5. Scottish Terrier
  6. Chinese Crested
  7. Shih Tzu
  8. Bichon Frise
  9. Coton de Tulear
  10. Bedlington Terrier

1. Yorkshire Terrier:

The best hypoallergenic dogs for families are surely those who sport awesome personalities. The Yorkshire Terrier is one of such hypoallergenic dogs uk because of its silky, shiny fur. Terrier shedding is a much-dreaded ordeal for all pet parents. 

However, the Yorkshire Terrier won’t have any such issues if you brush it frequently. Bimonthly baths are also recommended because a Yorkie’s fur is very close to human hair. Just like our hair collects dust and other granules, these dogs also get buildup in their fur. Therefore, a bath every two weeks is most recommended. 

This breed is known to be great amongst kids, as long as they are appropriately trained. These dogs are quite possessive in nature, so be ready to be followed all around the house. A Yorkshire Terrier’s fur won’t give you any allergies. 

2. Maltese

If Small White Dog Breeds manage to grab your eye, don’t feel defeated by your allergies because Maltese dogs can do no harm! This breed proves to be one of the best hypoallergenic dogs for families because of its rich personality. 

The Maltese love their family very passionately so if you’re wondering, what is the most family-friendly small dog? Then Maltese is your answer! They’re also very social and friendly which means that they can be great pets in large families. 

A Maltese dog is very sensitive in its physicality. Therefore, you’d have to keep a vigilant eye when your dog interacts with kids. Just slight man-handling can result in an injury to the Maltese so remember to always stay alert! 

Since Maltese are very attached to their families, they don’t do well when left alone. A Maltese can develop severe anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. Therefore, make sure you’re giving your pet enough love and attention. These dogs require regular grooming and brushing every day to prevent their fur from matting. 


If you’re looking for Small White Dog Breeds that are the best hypoallergenic dogs for families, getting a poodle will be your best bet! Poodles come in a variety of sizes, Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles, Medium Poodles, and Standard Poodles. Choosing between these sizes entirely depends on your requirements. If you want big, warm snuggles, choose the medium or standard poodles. 

Poodles are covered with a thick coat of curly white fur that often makes them look like snowballs. Don’t worry though, because their fur can harm you in no way. However, because of the thick coat, a poodle requires regular grooming, trimming, and brushing. 

Poodles are one of the best hypoallergenic dogs for kids because of their intelligence. They can easily learn new tricks and commands, making them a perfect fit for families. 

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer may not be one of the hypoallergenic pets that like to cuddle, but the breed in general, is a good hypoallergenic pet to keep in your house. These animals have a history of being rat hunters, so you can expect a lot of energy and alertness. 

A Miniature Schnauzer’s coat is prone to get tangled, which is why you’ll need to have grooming sessions every 4-6 weeks. These dogs also suffer from anxiety issues which means that you won’t be able to leave the dog unattended for long hours. 

Miniature Schnauzers also prove to be the best hypoallergenic guard dogs because of their presence of mind. If you’re getting a Miniature Schnauzer, bid goodbye to any lurking dangers because your pet will ensure that you’re protected at all times! 

Scottish Terrier

Scottish Terriers are also Small White Dog Breeds that grow up to be the best hypoallergenic dogs for families. The breed shot to fame when a Scottish Terrier named Fala was included in a life-size statue of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 

Scottish Terriers may come off as stubborn, independent dogs at first but if they are treated appropriately, they make up the best hypoallergenic guard dogs. However, these dogs can be tricky to get familiarized with. The Scottish Terrier is not an aggressive dog by nature but it’s still recommended to supervise the interaction between this dog and children. 

Scottish Terriers require grooming every 4-6 weeks, provided that you’re brushing them every week. These dogs can also be confident enough to dominate bigger dogs, so you’d have to be careful if you already have pets in your home. 

Chinese Crested

These dogs don’t bear any crest, as the name suggests. In fact, they were named so because of their affiliation with the Chinese Sailors in history. Chinese Crested dogs are likely to have originated from Mexico and South Africa. 

These come in three types, with hair, without hair, and a mixed version. All of these variations need to be bathed every 1-2 weeks to keep their coat healthy. Chinese Crested dogs are extremely attached to their owners which means that they can suffer from depression and anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. 

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu is one of the few breeds which originate from Tibet, Asia. These dogs have thick furry coats which are great for cuddling without triggering your allergies. These dogs have a calm and playful personalities but they can be a bit independent at times. This is where correct training plays a part because your Shih Tzu will not listen to your commands if he’s spoiled a lot. 

Shih Tzus can be extremely loving and their hypoallergenic fur requires regular brushing. This has to be done thoroughly though because a Shih Tzus fur is prone to get tangled and matted. 

Bichon Frise

Bichon hypoallergenic dogs are one of the few Small White Dog Breeds that make up to be the best hypoallergenic dogs for families. These dogs have an extremely docile nature and are well-suited for small apartments. 

These dogs prove to be exceptional cuddle buddies and can get extremely attached to their owners. Bichon Frise is hypoallergenic dogs good with kids because of their mellow personalities. However, a Bichon Frise requires extensive grooming because of its elaborate coat.

Coton de Tulear

Coton de Tulear enjoys a privileged status because they’re marked as the national animals of the island they originate from. Developed in the city of Tuléar, Madagaskar, these dogs have thick fur which often resembles cotton or human hair. 

Coton de Tulear is a highly social animal who also has a knack for adapting to different scenarios. They’re also not heavy barkers and prefer remaining quiet, cuddly, and playful. A Coton de Tulear requires regular grooming and frequent baths to keep its long locks tangle free. 

Bedlington Terrier

Resembling a lamb, the Bedlington Terrier originates in England and is one of the best hypoallergenic dogs for kids. These dogs were actively used in sports, along with being faithful companions to their owners. 

These dogs are very friendly with kids but they do require a fair amount of training. They can get extremely territorial and can also assert dominance over smaller animals. Therefore, it’s important to socialize and train their obedience levels before leaving them unattended. 

Bedding Terriers require frequent grooming along with regular ear checkups because ear infections are common with this breed. 


What hypoallergenic dogs are best with kids?

Some of the best hypoallergenic dogs for kids include the Bichon Frise, Miniature Schnauzer, and Havanese.

What is the healthiest hypoallergenic small dog?

While hypoallergenicity doesn’t necessarily play a role in health, dogs like Schnauzers, Maltese, and Poodles are said to be the healthiest hypoallergenic small dogs.

What is the most cuddly hypoallergenic dog?

Yorkshire Terriers, Poodles, Schnauzers, and Bichon Frise are some of the dogs which are famous for their never-ending cuddles. 

Are boston terriers hypoallergenic?

No, Boston Terriers are not hypoallergenic. 

Are dobermans hypoallergenic?

No, Dobbermans are not hypoallergenic. 

Are English bulldogs hypoallergenic?

No, English Bulldogs are not hypoallergenic. 

Is a Beagle hypoallergenic?

No, Beagles are not hypoallergenic. 

Is an Alaskan Malamute hypoallergenic?

No, Alaskan Malamutes are not hypoallergenic. 


Now that you have all the personality traits explained, don’t settle for cheap hypoallergenic dogs and do thorough research on the breeder’s background.

We’ve come to the end of our list of the best hypoallergenic dogs for families but that’s not where the hustle ends. All you have to do now is study all the characteristics of different dogs to choose a breed that fits in with your family perfectly. 

Dogs are a human’s best friend, and this statement means all humans- even the ones who are allergic! It’s time that you stop worrying about triggering your allergies because the best hypoallergenic dogs for families won’t cause you any itches or sneezes! 

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