What Fruit Can Dogs Have – Everything About Fruits Intake for Small Dogs (2023)

what fruit can dogs have

Small dogs can eat fruits like bananas, apples, dragon fruits, and other fruits that are free of cyanide or any other toxic element.

Raw food is a healthy option for small dogs until it is appropriately tracked. Similarly, homemade food recipes for small dogs are feasible only if the ingredients are properly followed. Let’s get this one straight! Small dogs have extremely sensitive guts, and you cannot give them whatever you eat or they beg for.

If you have been thinking of switching from unhealthy treats to something healthier for your small dog, consider providing them with fruits.

But stop there! Don’t feed every fruit from your plate to your furry friend. There are some fruit dogs can not eat, and even if they consume them, they will become extremely sick. So, what fruit can dogs have

To answer your query, our expert panel has come up with this article in which we will discuss fruit dogs can not eat. From healthy cool treats for small dogs to what fruits your dog must avoid, we have covered everything in this read. So, let’s get into the deets.

Things We Will Share in This Article:

  • Why You Need to Be Careful While Feeding Fruits to Your Small Dog?
  • How to Feed Fruits to Your Small Dog?
  • What Fruit Can Dogs Have
  • Fruit Dogs Can Not Eat
  • Bottom Line
  • FAQs

Why You Need to Be Careful While Feeding Fruits to Your Small Dog?

We all feed fruits to our small dogs without investigating what kinds of fruit can dogs eat. And we usually end up doing so because we think of fruits as a healthier alternative to other treats. What we forget here is that these dogs do not have the same gut system as humans. Because of their petite stature, small breed dogs have a small digestive system.

As a result, their digestive system is more sensitive to what you feed them. Consequently, their gut is also incapable of handling some fruits. If you aren’t aware of which fruit dogs can not eat, you might end up feeding fruits that are hard to digest. 

Additionally, many fruits contain high amounts of natural sugars that can threaten small dogs. If you are wondering can dogs eat fruit snacks without ending up getting diabetes, then the answer is no. 

So, now you know the most probable reasons why it is important to consider what fruit can dogs have. The next obvious thing is to understand how to feed these fruits.

How to Feed Fruits to Your Small Dog?

Like humans, dogs can also have a slice of fruit or chunks of them. However, there are some small dogs that are extremely picky when it comes to eating fruits. You must have to come up with innovative and fun ideas to have your small friend munch on healthy snacks. Below are some fun yet practical ways you can adopt to feed fruits to your furry friend. 

Freeze up Treats

The first and foremost way is to feed your small dog fruits as frozen treats. You can research what kinds of fruit can dogs eat and have them frozen into molds or holders. These frozen fruits can also play the role of fruity ice creams. Your small dog will surely enjoy his fruity ice lolly when the weather is scorching. 

One another way is to know about can dogs eat yogurt with fruit. You can then have these fruits combined with yogurt in an ice cube tray and let them freeze overnight. Pop out one of these pupsicles on the days when the weather is unbearably hot. This healthy homemade recipe will work as a good probiotics mix for your small puppy.

Make a Smoothie

Another quick way to have your dog munch on some healthy fruits is by making a smoothie out of them. You can blend water or yogurt with your puppy’s favorite fruit. When the consistency is smooth and not runny or uneven, consider it serving to your small puppy. Additionally, you can also save the rest of the smoothie in the freezer to make some pupsicles for your dog. 

Use Treat Dispensing Toys

One of the most fun ways to have your small dog eat fruit is by getting him a cute treat dispensing toy. Small dogs are often fascinated by unusual cute things. Treat dispensing toys are made with vibrant colors and have a quick response time. These toys can be used as healthy fruity treats dispensers to motivate small dogs to have a nutritious diet. 

The secret here is not to buy ordinary treat-dispensing toys. Instead, buy toys that are funky or cute shaped, such as cute strawberry toy. The colors and shapes here are just way too fantastic. It not only attracts small dogs but also compels them to consume their least favorite fruit snacks. 

What Fruit Can Dogs Have?

We don’t want to scare you out, and fortunately, there are certain fruits your small dog can have as a treat. So, let’s have a look at what fruit can dogs have, along with their benefits. 


Ever wondered can dogs eat fruit snacks made of apples? If yes, then let us give you the good news. Yes, apples are entirely safe to consume for small dogs. An apple a day might not work for keeping the vet away, but bits or slices of it can serve as a delicious treat. Additionally, the apple is also the answer to the query about what fruits goldendoodles eat.

So, next time you wonder what fruit can dogs have, then apple must be your instant answer. However, ensure not to feed him seeds as they are choking hazards. Apple seeds also have a certain amount of cyanide, which can be highly toxic to small dogs.


  •  It contains fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which help in combating cancer cells.
  •  Slices or chunks of apple are effective in cleaning teeth and freshening breath.


When it comes to the question of “what fruit can dogs have,” there are several safe options that can be incorporated into their diet, and a banana remains the safest. Bananas can have a significant impact on your furry friend’s health. 

Bananas have various vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients that can contribute to your dog’s well-being. It is also portable and convenient so that you can carry it over as a snack with your small puppy. However, it’s crucial to introduce new fruits gradually and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions.


  • Bananas are rich in fibers and antioxidants that help in digestion 
  • They have a high amount of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. 


No, blackberry is not a fruit dogs can not eat. You can feed blackberries to your small dog but make sure to have it sliced into small bites. When giving blackberries to your animal friend, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Make sure the blackberries are ripe and in good condition first. Overripe or moldy blackberries shouldn’t be given to your dog since they may disrupt their digestive system. In order to get rid of any potential dirt, pesticides, or residues, carefully wash the blackberries.


  • Blueberries have vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber.
  •  This fruit has antibacterial properties that promote good oral health.


When considering “what fruit can dogs have,” blueberries are a great option. These tiny, tasty berries, which are the ideal size for both large and little mouths as treats, are popular with dogs. However, it’s a good idea to chop the berry in half before serving if you’re dealing with a small dog or a very huge blueberry. 

This guarantees that the blueberry is the right size for your pet to eat securely and happily. Dogs can benefit from the many health advantages of blueberries, which are low in calories and antioxidants. Therefore, feel free to offer your canine friend this delicious fruit as a pleasant and healthy snack.


  • Blueberries have a low sugar count, making them a perfect fruit snack without hoarding calories. 
  • It contains antioxidants, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin K. 

Dragon Fruit

The answer to the question, “Can dog eat dragon fruit?” is yes. When it comes to the query, “What fruit can dogs have,” dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a tropical fruit that may be safely given to dogs in moderation. 

This colorful fruit, which has flesh that might be white, red, pink, or yellow and is flecked with tiny black seeds, can be a tasty and nutritious treat for your pet. In order to answer the question “can dogs eat dragon fruit,” it is therefore true that they can, but only in moderation and with care.


  •  Dragon fruit improves your small dog’s cognition and mental health.
  •  The presence of Vitamin C in this fruit helps to strengthen a dog’s immune system.

Mango Fruit

When it comes to the question of “what fruit can dogs have,” one fruit that often comes to mind is mango. Can dogs eat mango fruit? Yes, they can! Mango is a delicious and nutritious fruit that humans enjoy, but moderation is key when it comes to dogs. 

Mangoes have high sugar content; thus, serving sizes should be restricted to minimize dogs’ digestive distress and weight gain. It is ideal for serving little, appropriately sized pieces as a rare treat instead of a substantial chunk of their meal.


  •  Mangoes are high in fiber, which improves digestion.
  •  This fruit is soft and squishy, making them super easy to eat for dogs. 

Fruit Dogs Can Not Eat

As a responsible pet parent, it is important to know the fruit dogs can not eat. While the list of what fruit can dogs have is extensive, there are certain fruits that are not safe for them. It is crucial to keep these fruits away from your furry friend. Some fruit dogs can not eat include:

  • Lemons
  • Cherries
  • Grapefruit
  • Grapes
  • Plums
  • Limes

When it comes to determining what fruit can dogs have, it is crucial to prioritize safety and be cautious. Therefore, conducting thorough research and taking precautions when introducing any fruit to your dog’s diet is necessary.


Which Fruit Is the Best for My Small Dog?

Some of the best fruit for your small dog includes; apple, banana, dragon fruit, blackberries, blueberries, and mango. Additionally, try to feed these fruits slowly and gradually to be sure your dog is not allergic to them. 

Which Fruit Is Not Good for My Small Dog?

Fruits like grapes, cherries, tomatoes, and avocados are not good for small dogs. These fruits have a definite proportion of cyanide which can cause toxicity in small dogs. Moreover, in typical cases, green grapes are known to cause sudden kidney failures in small dogs. 

How Much Fruit Can I Give to My Small Dog?

You must feed fruit once a day to your small dog. Make sure the count doesn’t exceed more than 1 or 2 slices. When administering a new fruit, give a small chunk to see how his system responds to the fruit. 

Are There Any Benefits of Feeding Fruits to Small Dogs?

Yes, there are a lot of benefits of feeding fruits to small dogs. Fruits like apples and bananas can give small dogs healthy vitamins and fibers. These nutrients are essential in maintaining a healthy gut life.

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