How to Keep Dogs Teeth Clean – Tips for Small Dogs Oral Hygiene (2023)

how to keep dogs teeth clean

To keep dogs teeth clean, brush them daily using dog toothpaste and toothbrush. For good dental hygiene, have them chew on some dental probiotics. Lastly, use a dental hygiene spray to have your small dog breathe fresh. 

Cleaning dogs teeth may seem tiresome when you have a 9 to 5 job and only 1 day off a week. Moreover, if you are someone who is not fond of breaking their budget, then getting dog teeth cleaned at vet might not be a feasible idea either.

If you are in search of quick and affordable dental care for dogs, then you must learn cleaning dogs teeth at home. Don’t worry because it doesn’t require you to own special equipment or machines; all you need to buy is a dog toothbrush and toothpaste and know about the best way to clean dogs teeth.

Looking after the dental hygiene of your small dog is as important as taking care of his physical health. Research explains that more than 80% of dogs over three suffer from active dental diseases. To avoid this, every pet parent must know how to keep dogs teeth clean and how often to clean dogs teeth.

In this article, our experts will share with you the best way to clean dogs teeth. Our expert team will also explain why it is important to conduct dog teeth cleaning by vet every once in a while. So, without further ado, let’s get into the deets.

Why Is It Important to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean?

It is very important to keep your dog’s teeth clean to protect him from developing bad breath, periodontal disease, and, in some cases, tooth decay and even tooth loss. Small dogs, due to their small jaw and overcrowding of teeth, are most prone to plaque and tartar accumulation. Some common dental issues include gingivitis, tooth loss, or infectious canines. 

Daily Dental Care Routine  

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to keep dogs teeth clean. 

Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth: Step-By-Step Guide

  • Step 1:  Before you start with how to keep dogs teeth clean, allow your small dog to sniff and lick the toothbrush to become familiar with it.
  • Step 2: The next step in cleaning dogs teeth is to gently lift your puppy’s muzzle and use one of the toothbrushes for small dogs with delicious toothpaste for small dogs. Have your puppy sniff and lick the dog toothpaste and toothbrush so they are not afraid of it.
  • Step 3: Start with cleaning dogs teeth in circular motions. Make sure the brush is angled towards the gum line, and brush gently in circular motions. 
  • Step 4: Don’t skip brushing the back molars for a dog deep teeth cleaning. Also, try to stay calm and patient during the whole process.
  • Step 5: Make a consistent schedule for brushing your dog’s teeth if you are wondering how often to clean dogs teeth

Selecting Appropriate Toothbrushes and Toothpaste for Small Dogs

While choosing an appropriate dog toothpaste and toothbrush.

  • Toothbrush: For small dogs, it is necessary to stick with small toothbrushes due to their little mouths. Look out for dental products that are narrow and safe to use for pets. Make sure the size and amount of the bristles are enough for cleaning dogs teeth.
  • Toothpaste: Do not use human-grade toothpaste for small dogs. For cleaning dogs teeth at home, toothpaste made for pets must be used. Moreover, if you want to know how to keep dogs teeth clean in a fun way, try getting bacon-flavored toothpaste.

Alternative Dental Cleaning Methods

Below are some quick alternative cleaning methods for how to keep dogs teeth clean without using a toothbrush. 

Dental Wipes and Pads: How to Use Them Effectively

Dental wipes and pads are highly effective in cleaning dogs teeth. These wipes have these nubs and tiny bristles that help remove plaque from teeth. So, how to keep dogs teeth clean using wipes and pads? All you have to do is make your dog comfortable in your lap and use the wipes or pads for cleaning dogs teeth at home.

Dental Rinses and Sprays: Benefits and Application

Another affordable dental care for dogs involves using dental rinses or sprays. It not only helps you in cleaning dogs teeth but also promotes fresh breath in your small dogs. So, how to keep dogs teeth clean using spray or rinses? To use them, spray them on your dog’s teeth or mix the solution in water. 

Dental Treats and Toys for Small Dogs

If you are looking for how to keep dogs teeth clean in the most fun way, then there could be no better option than dental treats and toys. Talking about dental treats, they can range from chewable, low-calorie treats to rigid novel protein diet for small dogs. In terms of toys, there are toys in the shape of bones that can help in cleaning dogs teeth.

Additionally, Nothing would work best for a quick deep clean at home than lick mats for small dogs. These mats have nubs and bumps that prevent tartar buildup on canines. 

How to Choose Dental Treats and Toys 

  • Size: When choosing dental treats or toys, make sure it is of appropriate size for your small dog. 
  • Vet Suggestion: Before you purchase any dental treats and toys, acknowledge how do vets clean dogs teeth using these substitutes or whether they recommend using them or not.
  • Quality and Safety: Go for dog deep teeth cleaning treats and toys from reputable companies. Because your dog will be chewing on these, ensuring the material is safe to lick is important.   

Diet and Nutrition for Dental Health

Maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet is another important thing to consider while learning how to keep dogs teeth clean. Essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and proteins support developing and maintaining strong teeth and gums.

Foods That Contribute to Dental Health in Small Dogs 

  • Apples: Fresh, crisp apples can benefit your dog’s dental health. The texture of apples helps in cleaning dogs teeth with plaque, and they also contain vitamins and fiber.
  • Raw bones: Raw bones, such as raw chicken or beef bones, can be given to small dogs as a natural remedy for cleaning dogs teeth. Always supervise your dog while they chew on bones to ensure safety.

Avoiding Foods That Can Harm Your Dog’s Teeth

  • Sugary treats: Refrain from giving your small dog sugary treats, as sugar can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Sticky foods: Avoid sticky foods like caramel, toffee, or gummy candies, as they can adhere to your dog’s teeth and increase the risk of plaque buildup.
  • Hard and brittle bones: Don’t give your dog hard bones or bones that can splinter easily, as they can cause dental fractures or damage.

Regular Veterinary Dental Exams

Regular veterinary dental exams are crucial for maintaining the oral health of small dogs. Professional exams allow veterinarians to assess how to keep dogs teeth clean and overall oral cavity. They can detect early signs of dental issues such as periodontal disease, tooth decay, or oral infections.

It is recommended to schedule routine dental check-ups and cleanings for your small dog. Your veterinarian is vital in providing comprehensive dental care for your small dog. They can educate you about how often to clean dogs teeth, including tooth brushing techniques and dental products suitable for small dogs. 

Identifying Dental Problems

Awareness of dental problems’ signs and symptoms can help you identify issues early on. Common signs of dental problems in small dogs include bad breath (halitosis), excessive drooling, difficulty chewing or eating, pawing at the mouth, and swollen or bleeding gum.

Dental problems can cause discomfort and pain for small dogs, leading to behavioral changes. Watch out for signs such as increased irritability, reluctance to be touched around the face or mouth, and aggression when approached near the mouth.

Regularly examining your small dog’s mouth can help you spot potential dental problems. Get your dog used to having their mouth gently opened and inspected. Look for signs of tartar buildup, redness, or inflammation of the gums in the oral cavity.

Preventive Measures for Dental Health

Strategies to Prevent Dental Issues in Small Dogs

  • Regular Brushing: Brush your dog’s teeth regularly using a dog toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Dental Chews or Toys: Provide your small dog with appropriate dental chews or toys designed if you want to learn how to keep dogs teeth clean the easiest way.
  • Dental Wipes or Rinse: Consider using dental wipes or rinses specifically formulated for cleaning dogs teeth to maintain oral hygiene between brushings. 
  • Professional Dental Cleanings: Schedule regular dog teeth cleaning by vet for your small dog. These cleanings thoroughly remove plaque and tartar buildup that may not be quickly addressed at home.

Dental Care for Puppies and Senior Small Dogs

Special Considerations for Dental Care in Young Puppies

  • Start Early: Begin establishing good techniques on how to keep dogs teeth clean as early as possible.
  • Puppy-friendly Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Use a soft-bristled dog toothbrush and toothpaste specifically formulated for dogs. 

Addressing Dental Issues in Senior Small Dogs

  • Increase Monitoring: Focus on how to keep dogs teeth clean as they age. Regularly check for signs of dental issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, or missing teeth.
  • Professional Dental Cleanings: Senior dogs often require more frequent dog teeth cleaning by vet due to a higher likelihood of dental problems. 
  • Dental Diet and Supplements: Speak to your veterinarian about how to keep dogs teeth clean using specialized dental diets or supplements.

Professional Dental Cleanings

Your veterinarian will typically recommend getting your dog teeth cleaned at vet based on your small dog’s individual needs. The frequency may vary depending on age, breed, dental health status, and oral hygiene.

So, how do vets clean dogs teeth? They do so by administering an appropriate dosage of anesthesia. It is typically used during professional dental cleanings, ensuring to minimize stress among dogs. Moreover, it allows the veterinarian to thoroughly examine and clean without causing pain or distress. 

Usually, your vet will collect your small dog’s blood samples to know whether he is fit for anesthesia. He will also advise you about fasting before and after the procedure. 


Do Small Dogs Have Dental Problems?

Yes, small dogs can have dental problems more frequently than large-breed dogs. This is mainly due to little size of their mouth and overcrowding of teeth.

How Can I Clean My Dog’s Teeth Naturally?

To clean your dog’s teeth naturally, feed him with vegetables and fruits. You can also give them chewable treats or kibble to help clean their teeth.

How Often Should I Brush My Small Dog’s Teeth?

You should brush your small dog’s teeth at least twice daily. However, if you aren’t able to do so, make sure to at least brush them three times a week for good dental hygiene. 

When Should I Schedule My Dog’s First Dental Cleaning?

You should schedule your small dog’s first dental cleaning when he is two or three years old. However, make sure to look for any possible dental issues to treat them as soon as possible.

Can I Use Human Toothpaste on My Dog?

No, you must not use human-grade toothpaste on your small dog. Human toothpaste is toxic to small dogs. Additionally, the ingredients in these kinds of toothpaste can cause extreme stomach issues if swallowed by a small dog. 


Even if you have a busy schedule how to keep dogs teeth clean might not be a tough task anymore. Make sure to purchase the right dog toothpaste and toothbrush, and be gentle with your little furry friend. Also, try to consult a professional dental hygienist for dogs before applying any measure.

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