Adopting a dog seemed easy until I realized his secret destructive habit. But what I did next to manage it will surprise you!


Melinda, a resident of downtown Chicago, recently adopted a small dog from a local shelter. While adopting a pet is relatively easy, Melinda soon realized that managing the little guy was a difficult task.

The dog, named Rusty, had a severe chewing problem that resulted in damaged furniture and torn clothing. However, instead of giving up on Rusty, Melinda decided to take proactive measures to help him overcome this destructive behavior.

Firstly, she invested in a variety of chew toys that would keep Rusty occupied and prevent him from chewing on household items.

Secondly, Melinda created a safe space for Rusty where he could retreat when he felt anxious or overwhelmed. This area was equipped with a comfortable bed, his favorite toys, and a water bowl.

Finally, Melinda incorporated regular exercise and training sessions into Rusty’s routine. By providing him with ample physical and mental stimulation, he was less likely to become bored and resort to chewing on inappropriate items.

Through consistent effort and patience, Melinda was able to help Rusty overcome his destructive habits while also strengthening their bond.

She urges other dog owners to invest time and effort into understanding their pets’ needs and behaviors, as it can help create a harmonious and happy household for both human and furry family members.

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