Essential Packing List for Traveling with a Small Dog (2023)

traveling with a small dog

Ever thought of embarking on an adventurous journey with your furry companion? Whether you’re going on a weekend trip or a longer vacation, traveling with a small dog is an experience full of love, laughter, and pawsome memories.

Around 78% of pet parents in the US love to travel with their furry buddies. As a result, they are always searching for comfortable yet secure travel for their tiny beings. So, how to travel with a puppy without making him feel uncomfortable? Worry not, as we have fetched everything for you!

In today’s guide, we will be spilling all the tea on the essential packing list for traveling with a small dog. So, let’s get into the deets.

Preparing for the Journey

Here are some essential points to consider before traveling with a small dog.

  • Before you start traveling with a puppy, make sure you know his travel suitability. Consider factors like your dog’s age, temperament, aggressive behavior, if any, and comfort with traveling.
  • While traveling with puppy, try to research for accommodations beforehand. One convenient way is to make reservations ahead of traveling.
  • If you are traveling with a small dog on the airline, read their onboard pet policies. Most airlines and border guards only allow puppy travel with up-to-date vaccination cards and healthy well-being. This is the most important thing to avoid spreading diseases while traveling with a puppy.
  • One of the essential tips for flying with a dog involves microchipping or using identification tags on your puppy. If your dog gets displaced, a microchip or identification tag will help him reunite with you. 
  • Whether traveling with a puppy in a car or an airline, have your puppy accustomed to a carrier for small dogs. This will help reduce anxiety and make airline or car travel with puppy more comfortable.

Essential Dog Travel Gear

Just like humans, gathering all the essential dog travel gear before traveling with a small dog is necessary. Here are some basic gear you need to stock on for a smooth puppy travel.

  • The right crate will give your dog a sense of security while traveling. Ensure the small dog crate you choose is portable and easily carried over. 
  • While traveling with a small dog, carrying a collapsible bowl for serving food or water to your puppies is necessary. Moreover, also get some airtight containers to store dog food or kibble on the go.
  • If you are traveling with a puppy in a car or airline, provide him with comfortable bedding and a warm blanket. 
  • We are sure you would want to avoid running around an airport or resting area to get hold of your puppy. For this purpose, purchase a good harness, leash, and collar if you are traveling with a small dog. 
  • Small dogs can often get into trouble without announcing. If you are traveling with a puppy in a car or airline, have a small dog safety vest or first aid kit in your traveling bag.
  • Bathroom business can never stop for small dogs, especially in their training era. To let your small dog perform his business while traveling, purchase handy Poop bags available in the market. You can store these essentials with other supplies in your dog’s traveling bag.
  • Small dogs can often develop traveling anxiety while on long trips. While traveling with a small dog, it is necessary to keep them entertained so they stay relaxed. For this, you can give them their favorite chew toys or even squeaky toys to play with. 

Packing Checklist for Your Dog 

Checklists can make life easier, so why not use them while traveling with a small dog? Here are some key points to include while prepping how to travel with a puppy.

  • Pack your dog’s food and water supply beforehand anything!
  • If your small dog takes any kind of supplements or calming medications, note them on the checklist.
  • When traveling with a small dog, pack his health records and other vaccination cards. 
  • Small dogs are a sucker for constant mental stimulation. Include interactive games and toys on your checklist so your doggo will never have a dull moment.
  • The most important gear to mention on your checklist is grooming supplies. You never know when you might need a nail cutter or scissor while traveling with a small dog.
  • Note down a pair of collars, harnesses, and extra leashes on your checklist while traveling with a small dog.
  • If you are traveling with a small dog to a hot or cold area where the temperature can be unpredictable, pack protective clothing for your puppies. 
  • While you are on a long car trip with new puppy, don’t forget to pack poop bags and other supplies.
  • A first aid kit is also necessary if traveling with a small dog.
  • Lastly, special treats like kibble or dried fruits for small dogs must also be checked on the list. On more extended travels, avoid using chocolates for small dogs.

Traveling by Air with Your Small Dog 

Here are some tips on how to fly with a puppy on board.

Understanding Airline Pet Policies and Regulations

Every airline has its own set of rules and regulations for puppy travel. For a safer journey, look out for a dog only airline. Ask the airline agent about can a dog fly alone on the airline or can you fly puppy by your side in the adjacent seat. 

Booking Your Dog’s Flight and Reserving a Spot

Whether you opt for an ordinary or dog only airline, make your puppy’s reservation beforehand. Additionally, ensure to get comfortable crates or carriers to make your small dog comfortable.

Preparing the Crate or Carrier for Air Travel

The crate or carrier you use for your puppy in air travel must be comfortable enough to make him feel at home—stuff this crate with a comfy pillow and a portable food bowl. 

Check-In and Security Procedures for Your Dog

When traveling with a small dog, prepare for security and check-in procedures. Double-check your puppy’s documentation and other identification papers while passing the security lane.

In-Cabin vs. Cargo Hold: Pros and Cons



  • Your dog stays comfortable throughout the journey.
  • Easy to attend to your puppy.
  • Your dog remains under your supervision.


  • Challenging to find a dog only airline.

Cargo Hold


  • Suitable for large breed dogs.
  • Cargo carriers are well-ventilated.
  • The safety of your pets is prioritized.


  • It may promote separation anxiety in small dogs.

Tips for a Smooth and Stress-Free Air Travel Experience 

To promote smooth and stress-free air traveling with a small dog, ensure the below points.

  • Book flights in advance,
  • Use a sturdy and airline-approved small dog crate or carrier while traveling with a small dog.
  • Label the crate with your contact information while traveling with a small dog on an airline.
  • Have your dog exercise before traveling.
  • Do not feed your small dog a large meal before a flight.

Traveling by Road with Your Small Dog

When traveling with a small dog via the road, remember the points below.

Planning the Route and Pet-Friendly Stops

Research and plan your route while traveling with a small dog via road. Consider staying at pet-friendly accommodations and attractions along the way on a long car trip with a new puppy.  

Safety Precautions: Securing Your Dog in the Vehicle

During car travel with puppy, never allow him to sit on your lap or stick his head out of the window while the car is in motion. Moreover, consider investing in a secure and comfortable pet restraint system such as a crate or carrier.

Proper Ventilation and Temperature Control in the Car

If you will have a car travel with puppy, ensure the vehicle is well-ventilated. Also, never leave your dog unattended in a parked car, especially during hot weather. 

Regular Breaks and Exercise Opportunities for Your Dog

Traveling with a small dog means providing him with the right entertainment. Plan frequent breaks to allow your dog to stretch its legs, relieve itself, and get some exercise. 

Feeding and Hydration Schedules during Road Trips

While traveling with a small dog in the car, stick to your puppy’s usual feeding schedule. Moreover, avoid feeding your dog a large meal before the trip to prevent motion sickness. Lastly, don’t skip providing your dog regular access to fresh water. 

Ensuring Your Dog’s Comfort during the Journey

Here are some essential tips to ensure your dog’s comfort during the journey.

Creating a Calm and Familiar Environment for Your Dog

While traveling with a small dog, provide him with a calm and familiar environment. You can include your dog’s favorite blanket or chew toys in the crate.

Managing Anxiety and Motion Sickness

Consult your vet for some effective medicines relating to motion sickness and anxiety. Try to accustom your small dog to traveling by giving him short trips outside. 

Keeping Your Dog Hydrated and Well-Fed

While traveling with a small dog, make sure your dog remains well-hydrated and well-fed. Avoid changing their diet abruptly during the trip, as it can upset their stomach.

Scheduling Bathroom Breaks and Cleaning Up Accidents

Schedule regular bathroom breaks every 2-3 hours while traveling with a small dog. Moreover, always carry waste bags and cleaning supplies for cleaning up any sudden messy accidents.

Providing Adequate Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Before traveling with a puppy in a car, engage him in physical exercise to burn off excess energy. Consequently, this can help in keeping your small dog calmer during the trip. 

Maintaining a Consistent Routine for Your Dog’s Comfort

When traveling with a small dog, try to maintain a consistent feeding, exercising, and sleeping routine for him. This is one of the best tips for flying with a dog, which helps reduce stress and keep your dog comfortable.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. Can I Travel With My Small Dog in the Cabin of an Airplane?

Yes, you can travel with your small dog in the cabin of an airplane. However, the crate or carrier must be short enough to fit under your front seat for this purpose. Also, ensure the carrier is away from the front walking aisle of the airline.

Q2. How Do I Choose the Right Crate or Carrier for My Small Dog?

To choose the right crate or carrier for your small dog, refer to his height and size. The carrier must be large enough to accommodate your small dog when standing or stretching out.

Q3. What Should I Do to Prevent My Small Dog From Getting Anxious During Travel?

To prevent your small dog from getting anxious during travel, give him short trips during the day. Gradually increase the timing to have your dog familiar with travel.

Q4. Are There Any Specific Health Considerations for Traveling With a Small Dog?

Yes, a health certificate is a must while traveling with a small dog. Moreover, you must also carry an up-to-date vaccination card for your dog.

Q5. How Can I Make Road Trips Comfortable for My Small Dog?

To make road trips comfortable for your small dog, give him a break after every 2 to 3 hours. Look out for pet-suitable parks so your doggo can properly channel his mental energy.

Summary and Final Tips

Hopefully, now you know how to travel with a puppy, whether by road or airline. Before you hop on a fun-filled adventure, make your small dog comfortable with travel. Also, don’t forget to pack all of the essentials before traveling with a small dog. Remember, your trip will only be memorable if your puppy remains happy and stress-free, so try to make him feel at home.

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