Small Dog Grooming: Tips and Tricks for a Well-groomed Pup

small dog grooming

Owning a small puppy is all fun until you have to groom them. As you begin with it, you are welcomed with screams and tantrums from these tiny mischievous creatures. Indeed small dog grooming can be hectic at times!

Dogs or small puppies can often become too sensitive when you are grooming them. However, small dog grooming is more than just brushing off their coat. Sometimes small dog grooming might include trimming their fur and nails or bathing them. 

Additionally, due to busy work schedules taking your puppy to a salon might not fight on your to-do list. If you have been a parent of a tiny puppy and are curious about how to groom a small dog, then this article is what you need to read!

Here we will be sharing some tips and tricks for how to groom a small dog. By the end, you will also learn about some cutesy small dog grooming salon ideas and how to groom your dog at home. So. Let’s get started!

Tips and Tricks to Have Your Small Puppy Well Groomed

Small dog grooming is different from grooming adult dogs. Puppies are often hyperactive and might not resist unusual activity. However, this doesn’t mean you must skip grooming them. Below we have compiled a list of tricks and training tips to make the grooming process more manageable.

1. Have Your Puppy Socialize

First, it is essential to have your puppy socialize accordingly in various environments. Puppies have an easier time learning as compared to older dogs. You can try the handling exercise to make him familiar with the groomer. 

For this purpose try tapping or poking his paws. Once he is comfortable with you, ask others to do the same with him. This is the easiest and quickest way to have your puppy accept or get examined by anyone.

You can also replicate small dog grooming salon ideas at home to make him more comfortable. Doing so will train your puppy to behave in a similar situation and feel at home during the whole process. 

2. Introduce Grooming

You don’t start small dog grooming by just directly brushing or bathing him. To make your small dog comfortable with being groomed, start gradually and slowly. 

For this purpose, hold a small dog grooming kit while petting your dog with the other hand. Additionally, if your dog insists on sniffing the grooming kit, let him do that. You can also reward him with a treat as he gets familiar with a tool.

3. Understand Your Puppy’s Coat

The most important tip on how to groom a small dog is understanding its coat type. Small dog grooming can vary according to the type of coat they have. Generally, you can come across five different kinds of puppy coats. 

These coats range from smooth, double, long, wire to curly coats. Likewise, how to groom a small dog would vary depending on its coat type. To have an easier time at small dog grooming, make sure you know its coat type.

How often to groom dog and how long does it take to groom a small dog might depend on his coat type. Also, choose a suitable small dog grooming kit to make the sessions more fun.

4. Never Miss Dental Hygiene

Puppies are stubborn, and as a result, we might often skip brushing their teeth. Cleaning your puppy’s teeth is an important part of small dog grooming. To make it easier for yourself and your dog, use toothpaste that is only for small dogs. 

These kinds of toothpaste have flavors that are appealing as well as safe for dogs. You can also purchase chew treats if your puppy is reluctant to brush their teeth. 

5. Use Positive Reinforcement

Another must-follow tip on how to groom a small dog successfully is to use positive reinforcement. You can purchase a licking mat to make the grooming session easier and more enjoyable for your puppy. You can spread his favorite snack here, and as he licks his treat, you will brush or wash him.

After you are done with your small dog grooming, give him a lot of his favorite treats and praise; perhaps a belly rub might work as well. This will additionally make your puppy look forward to its next grooming session.

6. Have the Bathing Process a Fun Process

Water can be the deadliest enemy of small fluffy dogs. Often the most challenging step in small dog grooming is taking them for a bath. This, indeed, is a call for a war between you and your pup and, of course, water. So, how to groom a small dog if he is afraid of water? 

Simply by making the bathing process fun. For this, you have to purchase your puppy’s favorite toys and a shampoo that is suitable for them. Additionally, make sure to get a lot of treats, so your puppy knows that he will get rewards for behaving right.

To begin with the bathing session, put your puppy’s favorite toys in a dry bath. Place your puppy along these toys and let him play and explore them. When you are sure the pup is getting comfortable, pour water onto him slowly. That’s it! Your small dog grooming session has never been this easier.

7. Keeping Up With the Grooming

The best tip to have your pup remain well-groomed always is to maintain his look from time to time. By this, we mean not to forget your puppy’s maintenance for weeks and months. So, how often to groom dogs and small puppies?

Try to have your puppy’s daily rituals, like brushing teeth and fur, at least once daily. Daily maintenance will make your small dog grooming sessions more effortless, and eventually, this will also familiarize your puppy with the process. 

However, remember to acknowledge your dog’s shedding and coat type before deciding how often to groom the dog. 

Quick Guide to Groom, Your Small Dog at Home

If you own a puppy, you might have often frowned at how much does it cost to groom a dog at a salon. Because of this reason, you might be skipping your pup’s grooming session for way too long. 

Now you don’t have to worry about how much does it cost to groom a dog by a professional because you can do it yourself. Below we have brought together an easy step-by-step guide on how to groom your dog at home

Start With Cleaning Eyes, Ears, and Nose

The first and foremost step in how to groom your dog at home guide is to clean his eyes, ears, and nose. To clean your eyes, use a damp cloth to wipe the goop around your puppy’s eyes. You can also administer artificial tear drops if you notice any unusual drying. However, make sure to consult your vet before!

Wipe out your dog’s flaps and folds of the ears using another damp cloth. Additionally, try to repeat this procedure at least every four weeks. Lastly, clean your dog’s nose with a wet cotton ball. Moreover, if his nose is dry, apply some quality balm to your pup’s nose to moisten it.

Brush Teeth

The next step in small dog grooming at home is to brush his teeth. If you don’t brush your puppy’s teeth regularly, it might end up with gum infections and bad breath. Again, try to use toothpaste specifically formulated for dogs and not humans. 

You can also consult your vet for which canine toothpaste to use or any other chew treats to administer. Certain treats are available in the market that help in cleaning and massaging your pup’s gums.

Brush and Trim the Coat

Before you trim your small dog’s fur, make sure to brush it thoroughly. Make sure to remove any matted hair, as it can cause severe infections and irritations for all breeds of puppies.

To avoid any trouble, have your puppy’s hair brushed daily or at least a couple of times a week. This will only take 5-10 minutes of your daily schedule. However, if your pup has curly hair, then how long does it take to groom a small dog might vary.

Get a high-quality small dog grooming kit to trim your puppy’s fur. Brush the coat first and then trim it using dog clippers or scissors. Ensure your dog remains calm throughout the process, and don’t force anything onto him. 

Cut the Nails and Moisturize the Paws

Have your dog comfortable sitting on your lap or on a table. Beforehand identify where the nail quickly is starting. Slowly and gradually cut the nail using dog clippers. Finally, use a bath towel to clean your dog’s paws and moisturize them using paw balm.

Bathe and Dry Dog’s Fur

The last step of how to groom your dog at home involves bathing your pup. Now you don’t have to think about how much does it cost to groom a dog because you can do it at home. Start with spreading a slip-proof mat so your dog won’t receive any injury or slippage. 

Gradually introduce him to water and stroke him gently with a shampoo suitable for puppies. After your small dog is clean, dry him with a towel. You can also use a hair dryer to dry his coat instantly.   


How Can I Groom a Small Puppy Face?

Small dog grooming, especially for the face, starts with trimming under his muzzle and then around his nose. Ensure you lift his muzzle and clear the area around his chin and neck. You can use a pair of thin scissors from a small dog grooming kit for the area around the eyes. 

How Often Do I Have to Groom a Small Puppy?

Puppies need to be groomed after every 4 to 6 weeks. They must also get their coat trimmed every 8 to 12 weeks. However, have your puppy’s teeth brushed daily, so there are no complaints of bad breath.

How Can I Quickly Groom a Small Puppy?

To quickly groom a small puppy, you can brush his knots immediately. Try to brush all the way down to his skin. Lastly, clean his nose and eye goop to give him a presentable look.

What Are the 7 Easy Steps to Groom a Small Puppy?

To groom a small puppy, first, you need to clean his eyes using a damp cloth. Next, start with clearing his ear wax using a cotton swab. Proceed with cleaning and moisturizing the nose. After this, begin with brushing your dog’s teeth and fur. When you finish the brushing session, trim its fur and cut its nails. Lastly, give him a warm and cozy bath to end the grooming session.

Can I Groom a Small Dog Wet or Dry?

It is better to groom your dog when completely dry and clean. Wet fur might not give you a clear-cut idea of where to begin.

What to Avoid When Grooming a Small Puppy?

Ensure you are not bathing your dog too often, and avoid washing the inner part of his ears. Also, don’t shave your puppy during the summer season or brush his coat when it’s still wet. 

Do I Have to Brush My Puppy Before Bathing It?

Yes, you must brush your puppy’s fur before bathing it. This will remove debris that is stuck in between the coat and will also help in removing tangles or mats. 

Bottom Line

Puppies are the most adorable creatures we would ever find on planet earth. At times small dog grooming can be a headache, but when you know the right tips and tricks on how to groom a small dog, you don’t have to worry! Be sure to follow every step and tip mentioned here carefully so as not to harm your innocent baby. Happy grooming!!

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