Small White Dog Breeds: 15 Best Dogs for Apartments

best dogs for apartments

Apartment dwellers often struggle with choosing a dog for themselves. Not anymore, though, because this guide knows all the Best Dogs for Apartments so keep reading! 

“Which dogs don’t grow big?” becomes an important question when you don’t have much space to spare. Bigger dogs occupy more space and have extensive needs that are often hard to fulfill. While the list of the best dogs for NYC will often consist of Great Danes and Bulldogs, they don’t often make up to be quiet dog breeds for apartments. 

Does that mean that you should drop the idea of having a dog in an apartment? Absolutely not! The best hypoallergenic dogs for apartments are Small White Dog Breeds. These breeds prove to be quite low-maintenance dogs for apartments which means that you’ll get a furry companion without investing too much energy! 

The question then comes, What dog is best for a small apartment? Well, the answer entirely depends on your preference. There are a number of factors involved when shortlisting Small White Dog Breeds, like their size, fur type, and training requirements. Let’s have a look at a list of the Best Dogs for Apartments;

15 Best Dogs for Apartments:

  1. Miniature Schnauzer 
  2. Dachshunds
  3. Greyhounds
  4. Chihuahua
  5. Brussels Griffon 
  6. Japanese Chin 
  7. Mastiff 
  8. Havanese 
  9. Beagle 
  10. Great Dane 
  11. Maltese 
  12. Lhasa Apso
  13. Cairn Terrier 
  14. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  15. Pekingese 

Miniature Schnauzer

The first dog which makes it to our list of the Best Dogs for Apartments is the Miniature Schnauzer. As the name suggests, it’s quite small in size, weighing 11-20 pounds on average. If you live alone and want a companion, this breed is the best dog for single guy in an apartment. 

Schnauzers don’t just have a friendly personality to gel in with everyone, they also follow their human companions around the clock. Whether you’re cooking in the kitchen or in the toilet, get ready for a tiny shadow who will never leave you alone! 

Belonging to the Terrier group, these dogs have a life expectancy of 12-15 years. Their height usually does not exceed 14 inches, almost making them as cuddly as a cat. Their intelligence enables them to be excellent watchdogs so as long as you have your Schnauzer around, you’d always know if there are any dangers nearby. 

Miniature Schnauzers can easily get their fur matted. Therefore, you’d have to regularly keep up with the grooming appointments so that your pet can remain his handsome self. 


If you’re looking for good apartment dogs that don’t bark, steer clear from the Dachshunds because their tiny bodies are known for consistent, shrill barking. However, if you’re looking for small dogs for apartments that don’t shed, these will be the best dogs for apartments in nyc. 

Dachshunds come in three variations, smooth, long, and wire-haired. You can pick the type which fits the rest of your requirements and has an energetic companion for a good 12-16 years. 

The best part about having a Dachshund is that you don’t have to supervise him all day. They’re highly intelligent dogs who can very well survive long hours without company. They’re also packed with lots of energy so multiple walks a day will do excellent in the long run! 


Greyhounds are often perceived as high-maintenance dogs that are not meant for apartments. However, it’s a lesser-known fact that Greyhounds are actually the best lazy dogs for apartments. They have such calm and sweet natures that they’re often regarded as the answer to What is the calmest small dog?

Greyhounds grow up to be 26-30 inches in size and are expected to lead a healthy life for at least ten years. They also don’t require a lot of grooming because of the thin fur, making them the best hypoallergenic dogs for apartments!


Chihuahuas are probably the most famous breed when it comes to apartment dogs. Weighing only 6 lbs on average, these dogs are known for their incredible personalities. Their charm is not just limited to intelligence though, because they also have a lot of confidence to offer. 

Chihuahuas are just 6-8 inches in height, making them barely come up to your knees. Don’t mistake the lack of height for less charisma though, because Chihuahuas stand out for their graceful poise. 

Belonging to the toy group, some of these dogs can also have quite sassy personalities. Therefore, you’ll need to be a clever pet parent and have a few tricks up your sleeve for your dog to be obedient. 

Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffons often come off as grumpy little dogs because of the expression formed by their beard-like color patterns. However, this breed stands out as one of the Best Dogs for Apartments because of their cheeky personalities. 

Available only in selective coats like red, black, beige, or black and tan, these dogs hate being alone. Therefore, if you’re not home most of the time, Brussels Griffon might not be the best dog for you. However, if you can take up the commitment, get ready for lots of cuddles because Griffons don’t shy away from being affectionate! 

Constantly alert and intelligent, Brussels Griffons only measure 7-10 inches in height. They also don’t do well around kids because they tend to require constant attention. If sensitive puppies are your cup of tea, then choose Brussels Griffon and get ready for a decade-long companion! 

Japanese Chin:

Wondering, what is the quietest dog for an apartment? Japanese Chins are your answer! Their calm and gentle nature makes them great family lap dogs who weigh just around 10 lbs. Small White Dog Breeds like the Japanese Chin are a perfect fit for families who have non-favorable neighbors. Your dog will hardly ever bark, meaning that the only con is an extensive load of cuddles! 

These dogs belong to the toy group and can easily live a healthy life for up to ten years. They measure around 8-11 inches in height, making them a perfect fit for smaller homes. 


If you hold a strong opinion on not having Small White Dog Breeds, Mastiffs can prove to be one of the Best Dogs for Apartments. Yes, their size is quite big for an apartment but these gentle giants can be great apartment pets if given the right amount of exercise. 

Mastiffs have a calm and dignified nature and have a life expectancy of 6-10 years. Related to the working group, these dogs measure 27.5 inches or more, and around 160-230 pounds in terms of weight. 


Havanese are the only dog breed that has roots in Cuba and is probably one of the best Small White Dog Breeds. They’re full of energy and are also quite social. Hence, if you have a lot of people living in the same house, Havanese will be a perfect fit for the family. 

Since these dogs belong to the toy group, they do well in compact living like apartments. They do require frequent visits to the groomer though, because of their long, silky coat. You can also resort to trimming the fur to keep the mats at bay. 

Havanese dogs usually measure 8.5-11.5 inches and weigh between 7-13 pounds. This tiny doggo can live up to 14 years on average. 


If you want the same features just in a smaller size, Beagles are the way forward. Due to their amazing natures, many people ask, “are beagles good for apartments?” and the simple answer to that question is yes! Beagles make one of the Best Dogs for Apartments because of their fun and loving personalities. 

Beagles are highly adaptable dogs, having a knack for social living. Therefore, even if you move into a small tent with no resources, you’d have your companion right beside you! They belong to the Hound group and measure 13-15 inches in height on average. 

Great Dane:

Great Danes, as the name suggests, are big-sized dogs that are often regarded as non-apartment dogs. People often ask, are great danes good apartment dogs? And you’d be surprised to hear a yes! 

Danes, despite their huge physique, have a patient and friendly nature. This makes them an ideal companion for all kinds of families. They’re also quite calm so you don’t have to worry about their size causing destruction in your house. 

A Great Dane’s life expectancy ranges between 7-10 years and its height may go up to 32 inches. 


 The list of Small White Dog Breeds has to have a Maltese because of its incredibly small size of twelve inches. Having European roots, these dogs are known to be extremely loyal to their owners. They also adapt well to a diverse range of environments, making them an ideal fit for apartments. 

Maltese dogs weigh just seven pounds on average and can live up to 15 years. 

Lhasa Apso:

This dog is another one of Small White Dog Breeds that are well-suited for apartment living. They originate from Tibet, which is why their name is based on Lhasa, which is the capital city of Tibet.

This breed, although highly smart, will keep you entertained at all times because of its goofy nature. They come from a non-sporting group, which reflects their tiny size of 10-11 inches. Lhasa Apso has a magnificent coat, which requires regular grooming.

Aside from frequent brushing, you might also have to trim some of the furs on the face because it hinders visibility. These dogs have a life expectancy of 12-15 years and can weigh anywhere between 12-18 pounds, making them one of the Best Dogs for Apartments. 

Cairn Terrier

Cairn Terriers make up to be the  Best Dogs for Apartments because they know how to keep themselves busy. Bred to be Scottish hunting dogs, they have a natural instinct to dig. Hence, whenever you’re busy or want to provide some stimulation to your pet, just give them a tub full of mud to dig! 

When they’re not busy exercising their digging capabilities, Cairn Terriers like nothing more than snuggles. They are always needy for human touch and affection. Hence, if you’re looking for a small, cuddly companion, Cairn Terriers will be an ideal fit! 

These dogs have a life expectancy of 13-15 years and weigh 13-14 pounds on average. They can measure anywhere between 9-10 inches in height, making them the perfect fit for compact houses. 

 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

The list of the Best Dogs for Apartments is often incomplete without the mention of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. These dogs have an extremely diverse nature, where they do well in athletics and also do great as calm lap dogs. 

This breed is also particularly known for its social nature. This means that if you have kids or other pets around your house, getting a King Charles Spaniels will probably be the best decision. 

These dogs can live up to 15 years and weigh about 13-18 pounds. They’re also quite small in size, measuring only 12-13 inches in height. 


People frequently ask, what is the quietest dog for an apartment? Because barking is often discouraged in apartments. In such cases, getting a Pekingese becomes your best bet because of their quiet and composed natures. 

These furry friends are incredibly loving but also quite self-sufficient. They can be left on their own for quite a while, unlike most toy breeds. Once Pekingese bonds with you, you never know a fiercer love! 

Pekingese dogs can live up to 14 years and measure only 6-9 inches on average. They are also quite light to carry, weighing up to 14 pounds. 


To put it in a nutshell, you don’t have to give up the idea of becoming a pet parent if you live in an apartment. There are plenty of Small White Dog Breeds who can become your companion. 

However, before choosing a dog, it is important that you study all of its personality traits carefully. You wouldn’t want to bring in a vocal dog if your apartment is not soundproof. This is where our comprehensive list of the Best Dogs for Apartments comes into action! 

Sit back and read through all the characteristics of different breeds and find yourself a furry friend in no time!

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