The 10 Best Fluffy Small Dogs for Kids and Families

fluffy small dogs for kids

Small White Dog Breeds are quite popular amongst parents who have young children. However, not all fluffy small dogs for kids coexist peacefully. It’s a common myth that dogs under 25 pounds, commonly known as ‘Toy Breeds’, are ‘Children Dogs’. 

This is often quite misleading because not all toy breeds are suited for children, regardless of their size. When getting a pet, you might be wondering if are terriers good with kids or are corgis lap dogs but the truth is that not every dog is compatible with kids, however pleasant his temperament might be generally. 

Kids also behave differently when it comes to being around dogs. Most experts recommend not introducing your kids to pets until they’re at least five years old. This is because infants and toddlers are curious creatures who don’t have control over their impulses. One poke here and there by your kid is enough to make even the gentlest dogs retaliate. 

For a healthy relationship between your kids and dogs, it is important to introduce them to each other slowly. Setting boundaries, teaching your dog to obey, and practicing safe distances are all part of nurturing a healthy environment in your house. 

 By now, you must be wondering, what is a good first dog for a child? Well, there’s no simple answer to this because all kinds of fluffy small dogs for kids have their pros and cons. This comprehensive guide takes you through the personalities of ten fluffy small dogs, so let’s get started with the dogs we have on our list;

10 Best Fluffy Small Dogs For Kids

  1. Boston Terrier
  2. Cocker Spaniel
  3. Beagle
  4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  5. Bichon Frise 
  6. Havanese
  7. Shih Tzu
  8. Pug 
  9. French Bulldog 
  10. Cairn Terrier

Boston Terrier:

If you want to know the answer to what’s the friendliest dog around kids then here it is Boston Terriers! These Terriers originate from Boston and have ruled the hearts of kids since the late 1800s. These Terriers prove to be loyal and faithful companions who are always enthusiastic about accompanying you, regardless of where you go! 

Boston Terriers are full of energy which means that you’d have to practice some serious training methodologies. Their excitement can result in impulsive jumps so you might want to keep your guard up whenever your pet is too close to children. 

Since these dogs are always up for a game, they are received well by children. If provided with the right training, these dogs can prove to be excellent companions for your kids with a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years. 

Cocker Spaniel

Wondering, what is the happiest small dog? Cocker Spaniel is your answer! Sporting a natural smile, these dogs are always cheerful, making them extremely compatible with children. No matter how many times your kid wants to play, this dog will always accompany him with his happy, cheery self! 

Cocker Spaniels don’t require much exercise, but their shiny fur does need regular grooming. Aside from always being joyful, these dogs are also highly social. They can easily coexist with not just children, but other pets like cats as well. 

A Cocker Spaniel weighs about 20 to 30 pounds and has a life expectancy of 10 to 14 years.


People often ask, what is the best low maintenance small dog? While Beagles may not be as small as a 10 lb dog, they are quite low-maintenance animals who are friendly with children. 

Beagles belong to the Hound group and have a history of being rabbit hunters. Since this practice required them to socialize with different animals, Beagles have an extremely friendly nature. They have a calm nature and also don’t lose their cool when things are too noisy in the home. 

Beagles are not much big in size but require a lot of mental stimulation. Because of Hound genes, these dogs are prone to bark a lot if they don’t get enough exercise. They don’t like to be left alone though, so a good amount of athletic activities will be highly beneficial! A beagle’s life expectancy is said to be anywhere between 10 to 15 years.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The list of fluffy small dogs for kids cannot go on without including the even-tempered Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Belonging to the Toy group, this breed is known to be a family dog where it doesn’t have issues with coexisting with anybody, whether children or pets. 

Although sweet and gentle, these dogs aren’t used to roughhousing. Hence, you’d have to keep an eye at all times so that the children don’t end up irking the little dog. Cuddling and snuggles are all welcome, but kids should always be monitored near Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. 

Despite being highly active, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels don’t require lots of exercises. A short walk each day is adequate, along with frequent grooming and brushing. Spaniels are loyal companions for almost 12 to 14 years. 

Bichon Frise

Most Small White Dog Breeds have a privileged history and Bichon Frise is no different. The breed originates from France and has enjoyed lavish lifestyles as a white fluffy dog. For a brief period, Bichon Frise was only found in elite homes, having pampered routines. After the French revolution, however, these dogs became city dogs. 

The Bichon Frise is not just fluffy small dogs for kids, they are highly intelligent creatures who also have a history of being circus dogs because of their quick learning skills. With kids, these dogs prove to be gentle and loving companions who hardly misbehave. 

Despite their small frame, Bichon Frises are an extremely strong breed. However, they can easily suffer from anxiety so you might have to be vigilant about their mental health. They like to obey but don’t do too well with strictness, so treat your Bichon Frise in a gentle manner. 

Small White Dog Breeds like the Bichon Frise usually have a life expectancy of 14 to 15 years. They also require frequent grooming because of their hypoallergenic coat.


Havanese are another great choice as fluffy small dogs for kids. This kind of Small White Dog Breeds are highly social and specifically recommended for children because of their charming and gentle temperaments. 

Hailing from Havana, this little dog white was developed almost 300 years ago and has proved to be a faithful companion ever since. This 10 lb dog may be quite small in size but don’t mistake its tiny frame to be any less intelligent. Kids can teach them a number of tricks because of their obedient and intelligent nature. 

Havanese are the only dog breed that has roots in Cuba, therefore, you can expect some island-like lightheartedness. You’ll have to brush a Havanese regularly to keep its hypoallergenic fur healthy and shiny. 

Shih Tzu:

If you’re wondering, what is the smallest dog in the world? Then get ready to hear Shih Tzu for an answer! Popularly known as Tzus, this breed is one of the few fluffy small dogs for kids that weigh just 9 to 16 pounds. Their small size, however, doesn’t restrict them from being cheerful furballs with children. 

However, experts recommend that Small White Dog Breeds like the Shih Tzus should only be included in a family where children are above the age of five. This is because their tiny frame can often be dangerously cuddly for children and they might end up agitating the dog. 

Shih Tzus have a history of being the Chinese Royalty’s favorite Small White Dog Breeds so you might have to spoil your pet with extra love and attention! 


If you’re not interested in getting fluffy small dogs for kids, getting a Pug would be the best way of introducing the children to dogs. Belonging to the AKC Toy Group, Pugs specifically stand out amongst children because of their fun personalities. 

Pugs do have a small frame but they have a lot of personalities packed in their little bodies. These animals are highly affectionate and also sometimes silly, making them a child’s best friend! 

A Pug doesn’t require frequent grooming because of their short coat, but brushing every day is strongly advised to control the shedding. They also don’t require extensive exercise, but rather just a short walk each day. Beware of the weather though, since Pugs don’t do well in high temperatures because of their flat faces. 

French Bulldog:

Bulldogs often sound like scary, massive dogs but the French Bulldog is the complete opposite. Yes, it’s a smaller counterpart of the huge bulldog but its fun-loving personality makes it one of the best fluffy small dogs for kids. 

Aside from the small build, Frenchies also differ from English Bulldogs because of their large, bat-like ears. If you’ve had a look at the images of small dog breeds, you’d know that it’s almost impossible to judge a Frenchie’s small size because of its similarities with the English Bulldog. 

These dogs are great breeds to be around children and also don’t require much grooming. However, French Bulldogs often suffer from respiratory issues because of their flat faces. 

Cairn Terrier:

Cairn Terriers shot to fame after getting featured as Dorothy’s pet dog in the movie The Wizard Of Oz. These dogs originated from the Scottish Highlands and were developed almost 200 years ago. 

Cairn terriers have a history of being hunters, so they can get impulsive with ill-mannered children. This doesn’t usually happen because of their cheerful and energetic nature but prevention is better than cure. Hence, always keep your guard up if you get a Cairn Terrier as a fluffy small dogs for kids. 


Who is the smallest dog in the world?

Toy Poodles are said to be the smallest dog breed in the world, measuring only 24 – 28 cm in height. 

What size is a small dog?

Small sizes generally can be anywhere between 5-43 inches in height. In terms of weight, any dog less than 30 pounds is considered a small dog.

Can a large dog breed with a small dog?

Yes, all dogs can mate with each other regardless of their breed. In fact, several dog breeds are a result of cross-mating. 


Getting fluffy small dogs for kids is always a great idea to help your kids socialize with animals. However, choosing a dog for your household depends on a number of factors, majorly revolving around the breed of the animal. 

Not all Small White Dog Breeds are compatible with kids and not all large dogs are non-friendly. It’s important to know all the characteristics before bringing a furbaby into your house and this guide helps you understand ten different dogs! 

All of the fluffy small dogs for kids in our list have their pros and cons so that you can refer back to the guide whenever you’re ready to become a pet parent. We hope your new pet becomes a lids-long companion for your children! 

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