Top 10 Best Small White Dog Breeds for Your Home

best small white dog breeds

A dog is a human’s best friend, there’s no denying this fact. However, not all dogs are great to keep if you’re a first-timer. This is where small white dogs come in. Small dogs are not low maintenance, they also have extremely mellow personalities.

Choosing a dog for your home can be quite a daunting task, with so many options available. Well, lucky for you because this guide has all the Best Small White Dog Breeds explained in detail! If you’re wondering, “what is the most popular small white dog?”, then get ready to pick your favorite because these small white dog breeds are irresistibly cute! Here’s a list of the Best Small White Dog Breeds;

10 Best Small White Dog Breeds For Home

  1. Maltese
  2. Havanese
  3. Bolognese
  4. Bichon Frise
  5. Pomeranian
  6. American Eskimo
  7. Toy Poodle
  8. French Bulldog
  9. Chihuahua
  10. West Highland White Terrier

1. Maltese:

The list of the best small white dog breeds is incomplete without the mention of Maltese dogs. originating from the Malta Islands, Maltese belongs to the Barbichon family. Their long hair is often a call for trouble because of frequent shedding and mats. Therefore, if you’re not enthusiastic about keeping up with regular grooming, you should pay attention to small white dogs other than the Maltese.

Aside from the naturally formed adorable bow on their heads, Maltese dogs are also famous for being companion dogs. They sense your emotions quite well and do great as lap dogs. However, this small white fluffy dog will require extensive obedience training. As smart as they are, they also know how to trick their owners with their puppy eyes. Therefore, you’d have to be a strict pet parent when it comes to Maltese dogs.

These intelligent cuties are found well-versed with technology too. Many pet owners found it easy to use automatic feeders with Maltese than other breeds.

The best part about having a Maltese dog is that you don’t have to worry about extensive exercise. These dogs do fine with limited activity so just a few minutes of hopping around the house will be sufficient movement. Hence, if you have a busy schedule or can only commit to minimal maintenance, Maltese might be one of the Best Small White Dog Breeds for you. Don’t forget to get a bile-acid test done before buying a Maltese puppy though, to rule out any liver issues.

2. Havanese:

Wondering, “what is the cutest small white dog?”. Havanese might just be the answer for your home! This small white dog with curled tail is named after the capital of Cuba and is known for its incredible gentleness. Havanese dogs are a perfect fit for people who prefer soft, tender personalities. This doesn’t mean that you’re in for a boring time though, because Havanese dogs are the most excited little chaps!

The best small White Dog Breeds are known for less physical requirements and Havanese dogs are no different. Just a few minutes of play or a short walk in your backyard are enough exercises for this white crusty dog.

Havanese pups have quite a sensitive nature. Hence, they don’t do well with other dogs, especially those who are excessively vocal. they can easily get traumatized; hence, gentle training should be prioritized. Scolding or punishments can leave a significant impact on their mental health so get ready to practice a lot of patience!

3. Bolognese:

If you’re wondering, “what is the best white dog?” for senior citizens, getting a Bolognese dog will be the best decision you make. originating from the city of Bologna, these dogs belong to the Barbichon group and were created several years ago.

Bolognese doesn’t require much exercise and generally has a very calm, gentle nature. This makes them a perfect fit for families with children or old citizens. However, these dogs can easily get affected by separation anxiety. Therefore, if you’re out a lot, think carefully before getting a Bolognese dog.

often referred to as ‘bolo’, these dogs are not too demanding when it comes to grooming. Like most Small White Dog Breeds, weekly baths, regular nail trims, and brushing are all you need to keep a Bolo handsome and charming.

4. Bichon Frise

One of the cutest Small White Dog Breeds, the Bichon Frise has Mediterranean roots and belongs to the Barbichon group. The ‘Bichon’ in the name, stands for Small White Dog Breeds with long hair. In the 1300s, these dogs were popularly known as “Bichon Tenerife”, and were faithful companions of the Spanish soldiers.

This crusty white dog breed can easily get its fur dirty and matted, so you’d have to be mindful of frequent grooming sessions. Once a month visits to your pet groomer will be necessary to keep your dog’s fur clean and shiny.

Bichon Frise sure is one of the Best Small White Dog Breeds but they don’t weigh too much. They can fall anywhere between 12 to 18 pounds of weight and stand out because of their unique, fuzzy appearance. This breed, because of its tiny physique, makes great friends with children.

Bichon Frise is packed with energy, hence, they require lots of exercise and enjoy traveling. An extensive walk should be a part of the daily routine to keep these dogs happy and healthy. They also adapt well to agility training because of their excitement levels and never-ending energy!

5. Pomeranians

Pomeranians are one of the Best Small White Dog Breeds because of their popularity. Pomeranians are amongst the few Small White Dog Breeds that rose to fame after the Crufts dog show. They were a popular choice amongst royalty like Queen Victoria, which added to the universal demand for the toy breed.

Pomeranians appear to be tiny crusty white dogs, but they have a lot to offer in terms of personality. However, don’t mistake this small white fluffy dog to be low maintenance. It seems that the little doggos know their popularity amongst influential people and hence, have decided to not settle for anything less. Pomeranians require frequent grooming, with special attention to their oral health.

Pomeranians make good bona fide lapdogs and also stand out as highly intelligent animals. So much so, that these small white dogs are often recommended as therapy dogs. However, be warned of a high dose of mischief! Since Pomeranians are quite small in size, they often like to hide to keep you on your feet. Pomeranians also need to be trained not to jump too much because of potential bone and joint problems.

6. American Eskimo:

American Eskimo is one of the few crusty white dogs who’ll blow your mind with their amazing coats. They belong to the Nordic spitz family and have a thick coat of fur, along with prick years. Their name has little to do with Eskimos though because they probably have ancestors from the German spitz breed.

Eskimos have a dark history of being circus dogs. Because of their intelligent personalities, these small white dogs were able to learn tricks quickly, making them a much-loved showpiece. The world had never seen a dog walk a tightrope until American Eskimos stepped in!

Because of their brainy personalities, American Eskimos need a lot of stimulation and exercise. If they fail to get daily excursions, they’ll resort to trouble-making because of their mischievous personalities. Therefore, if you’re afraid of a hefty commitment, American Eskimos might not be one of the Best Small White Dog Breeds for you. Don’t give up on the breed too quickly though because they make great company for kids of all ages!

7. Toy Poodle:

Poodles have dominated the canine world for a long time but Toy Poodles are not much behind in the race. These crusty white dogs are not just conveniently small in size, but also have all the personality traits of regular poodles.

Toy poodles have a unique characteristic of living water. Due to their splashy activities, they started getting known by the term “pudelin”, which means “splashing in the water.”. The breed has German roots and was also known as a duck-hunting dog in the past. If you decide to get a poodle, be ready to deal with some swimming excursions alongside remarkable companionship! 

Because of their curly coats, Toy Poodles require regular brushing. Their coat also protects them against any negative effects caused by water. Hence, if your white crusty dog insists on getting wet, don’t refuse!

Poodles are very closely related to retrievers. Therefore, they make great family dogs and you’re also in for quite a few rounds of playing fetch. These kinds of Small White Dog Breeds require loads of exercise and mental stimulation. You can also introduce hunting as a fun game because they’re bound to amaze you with their intelligent tricks!

8. French Bulldog:

Bulldogs often come as fierce animals but a French Bulldog is quite the opposite of its bigger counterpart. Commonly known as ‘Frenchies’, these dogs have a reputation for being the perfect city dogs. Their playful and charming nature makes them one of the Best Small White Dog Breeds on our list. 

The best part about Frenchies is the minimal exercise required. Just everyday activity inside the house is enough physical effort for a French bulldog and there’s also little to no grooming required. Since French Bulldogs have thin fur, they hardly need to go to the groomers. 

However, these dogs have flat faces. This means that you should always be on your toes to keep tear stains away and nose clean. French Bulldogs also aren’t fit for living in hot environments because of their limited breathing capacity. Swimming or water-borne activities are also advised against. 

9. Chihuahua:

Chihuahuas have become quite a status symbol because of their popularity among celebrities. These small white dogs have tiny bodies but their diverse personalities always steal the show. They prove to be ideal family members in all homes. 

Chihuahuas don’t need extensive exercise but a short walk every day can, of course, do wonders for their health. Genetic diseases are common in this breed so be sure to rule out any health issues before getting a Chihuahua. 

These dogs, although obedient, have a mind of their own. Therefore, a healthy amount of strictness goes a long way because Chihuahuas can easily become stubborn, spoiled dogs. 

10. West Highland White Terrier:

Having a genetic lineage of 300 years, West Highland White Terriers have a confident personality that outshines most Small White Dog Breeds. Initially popular in the UK, these dogs now hold quite a good reputation for being family dogs. They’re smart, confident, playful, and make great companions. 

While they don’t require extensive grooming West Highland Terriers are quite demanding when it comes to training and exercise. Throughout history, they’ve been accustomed to living alone. Therefore training them to be obedient can be quite a job. 

Westies love to chase and are highly active, so outdoor hangouts will be a great way of bonding with your Terrier. Don’t forget leash training though! 


We know shortlisting the Best Small White Dog Breeds can be a tough job with so many options available. There are a number of questions popping into your head simultaneously, such as, “What breed is a small white dog?” or “What is the cutest small white dog?”.

To make your job easier, this guide briefly explains what each small dog breed has to offer. From exercise requirements to fur types, we’ve made sure to explain every little detail so that you don’t have to worry about missing anything. Go through all the information carefully and choose a white crusty dog that fills your house with positive energy! 

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