What Small Breed of Dog Is Quiet and Calm? – Top 4 Choices

Want to know what small breed of dog is quiet and calm? Finding the perfect canine companion for apartment living can be a daunting task, especially when looking for a breed that embodies tranquility and calmness.

This is particularly true for working women, who often juggle busy schedules and seek a pet that seamlessly blends into their lifestyle.

The importance of choosing a quiet and calm small dog breed cannot be overstated, as it ensures a harmonious living environment, free from the worries of disturbing neighbors in close quarters.

Want to learn more about the small dog breeds, then read 5 Worst Small Dog Breeds

According to research from the World Animal Foundation, around 48% of U.S. households own a small dog, highlighting the popularity and practicality of these breeds in modern living spaces.

So, let’s dive deeper and find a perfect furry friend for your apartment living.

Key Takeaway

  1. Small, quiet dogs are ideal for apartment life due to their adaptability and low space requirements.
  2. Choosing the right breed is crucial for maintaining peace in close living quarters.
  3. Routine care and consistent training ensure these breeds remain calm and well-behaved.
  4. Each small breed has unique traits, making breed research important for a perfect match.
  5. Effective strategies for apartment living with a small dog promote harmony and reduce disturbances.
  6. Addressing common small dog concerns helps create a comfortable living environment for both pet and owner.

Why Small, Quiet Dogs Are Ideal for Apartments

what small breed of dog is quiet and calm

For working women living in U.S. apartments, small, quiet dogs present a practical and delightful pet choice. These breeds offer companionship without the drawbacks often associated with larger or noisier dogs.

Their size and demeanor make them particularly suited for apartment living, where space is at a premium and maintaining a peaceful environment is crucial.

Benefits of Small, Quiet Dogs in Apartments

Some of the benefits of having a quiet and calm small dog are;

  • Ease of Management: Smaller breeds are easier to handle, groom, and transport, making them ideal for individuals with busy lifestyles.
  • Suitable for Small Spaces: Their compact size means they need less room to roam and are comfortable in smaller living areas.
  • Lower Noise Levels: Quiet dog breeds are less likely to cause disturbances, preserving the tranquility of your home and maintaining good relations with neighbors.
  • Less Exercise Requirements: Many small, quiet breeds require less exercise, fitting well into the schedules of working professionals.
  • Adaptable: These dogs often adapt better to indoor living and can be great companions for those who spend a lot of time at home.
  • Lower Maintenance Costs: Generally, smaller dogs incur lower costs in terms of food, healthcare, and other necessities.
  • Affectionate Companions: They often form strong bonds with their owners, providing emotional support and companionship.

Addressing Common Concerns: Noise and Space

  • Managing Noise Levels: Small, quiet breeds are less prone to barking, which is essential in apartment settings where noise can be a significant issue.
  • Optimizing Space: These breeds require minimal space, making them perfect for apartment dwellers who might not have access to large outdoor areas.
  • Behavioral Training: With proper training, small dogs can learn to be even quieter and more well-behaved indoors.
  • Socialization: Early socialization can help mitigate any tendencies towards excessive barking or anxiety in unfamiliar situations.
  • Choosing the Right Breed: Selecting a breed known for its calm demeanor can significantly reduce the likelihood of noise complaints.
  • Understanding Breed Characteristics: Researching and understanding the specific needs and characteristics of different small, quiet breeds can help in creating a harmonious living situation.

Top Breeds That Fit the Bill

dog garden pet
Photo by JÉSHOOTS on Pexels.com

When considering a small, quiet dog breed for apartment living, several breeds stand out as ideal choices.

Each breed offers unique characteristics and temperament, making them suitable for different lifestyles and preferences.

Let’s explore some of the top breeds that are known for their quiet and calm nature, perfect for apartment-dwelling working women.

Yorkshire Terrier

  • Traits: Yorkshire Terriers are excellent for therapy work due to their love for attention and ability to relieve anxiety.
  • Ideal For: Those looking for a small, affectionate companion.


  • Traits: Known as the Bichon Bolognese, this breed is lazy and affectionate, perfect for relaxed environments.
  • Ideal For: Apartment dwellers seeking a low-energy, loving pet.

Chinese Crested

  • Traits: Chinese Crested dogs can be needy but are usually quiet if kept company, making them great for those who spend time at home.
  • Ideal For: Owners who can provide constant companionship.


  • Traits: Pekingese are small, entertaining dogs that are not loud, suitable for maintaining a peaceful apartment.
  • Ideal For: Those who enjoy a dog with a strong personality in a small package.

Additional Breeds

  • Japanese Chin: A charming lapdog, often described as “cat-like”.
  • English Bulldog: Calm and good for families, not hyperactive.
  • Pomeranian: Fluffy and requires minimal exercise.
  • Brussels Griffon: Affectionate, intelligent, and sensitive.
  • Other Breeds: Papillons, Pocket Beagles, Mini/Toy Poodles, Yorkipoos, Shih Tzu, Bichon Frise, English Toy Spaniel, Maltese, Pugs.

Learn more about the perfect breeds and how are they suitable for working women here

Behavior and Temperament: What to Expect

When choosing a small, quiet dog breed, it’s essential to understand their general behavior and temperament traits.

These breeds often exhibit characteristics that make them ideal for apartment living, particularly for working women who need a peaceful home environment.

Let’s delve into what to expect from these breeds in terms of their behavior and temperament.

General Behavior and Temperament Traits

Small, quiet dog breeds typically display a range of behaviors and temperaments that are conducive to apartment living. Here are some key traits:

  • Calm and Quiet: These breeds are known for their lower energy levels and quieter demeanor, making them less likely to cause disturbances.
  • Affectionate and Loyal: Many small dogs form strong bonds with their owners, offering companionship and emotional support.
  • Adaptable: They adapt well to indoor living and are comfortable in smaller spaces.
  • Intelligent and Trainable: Despite their small size, these breeds can be very intelligent and responsive to training.
  • Social and Friendly: While they are generally quiet, many small breeds are sociable and enjoy interaction with their owners and other pets.
  • Independent: Some small breeds are more independent, which can be beneficial for owners who work during the day.

Comparison of Small, Quiet Dog Breeds

BreedSizeTemperamentExercise NeedsIdeal For
Yorkshire TerrierSmallAffectionate, EnergeticModerateActive individuals
BologneseSmallLaid-back, AffectionateLowRelaxed lifestyles
Chinese CrestedSmallNeedy, QuietLowConstant companionship
PekingeseSmallIndependent, CalmLowStrong personalities
Quiet Small Dogs

Confrontational or aversive methods can lead to continued aggressive behavior unless modified. This highlights the importance of understanding and properly training these breeds to maintain their calm and quiet nature.

Training and Care for Your Quiet Small Dog

what small breed of dog is quiet and calm

Proper training and care are essential for maintaining the calm demeanor of small, quiet dog breeds. These steps not only ensure their well-being but also enhance their suitability for apartment living.

Here, we focus on effective training strategies and care tips that cater to the unique needs of these breeds, ensuring they remain peaceful and contented companions.

Training and Care Tips

  • Consistency in Training: Regular and consistent training sessions help instill good habits and behavior. Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage quiet and calm behavior.
  • Socialization: Early socialization helps these breeds become accustomed to various people, sounds, and environments, reducing anxiety and unwanted barking.
  • Exercise and Mental Stimulation: While their exercise needs are modest, small dogs still require regular physical activity and mental stimulation to prevent boredom and disruptive behavior.
  • Regular Health Check-ups: Routine veterinary care ensures they remain healthy and comfortable, which can influence their behavior and temperament.
  • Nutrition: A well-balanced diet tailored to their size and age helps maintain their physical health and energy levels.
  • Comfortable Living Space: Creating a comfortable and safe living area within your apartment can help your dog feel secure and relaxed.
  • Understanding Breed-Specific Needs: Each breed may have unique care requirements or health considerations, so it’s important to be informed about your specific breed’s needs.

A study on the impact of training methods on dog behavior, referenced from University of Pennsylvania, reveals that training approaches greatly affect a dog’s temperament.

Harsh methods can lead to fear and anxiety, whereas gentle, reward-based training promotes trust and a calm disposition.

Living in Harmony: Ensuring a Peaceful Coexistence

Achieving a peaceful coexistence with a small dog in an apartment setting requires thoughtful strategies. This balance is particularly important for working women who value a serene home environment.

By adopting certain practices and understanding the unique aspects of small dog behavior, it’s possible to create a harmonious living space that suits both the owner and the pet.

Let’s explore effective strategies for nurturing this peaceful coexistence.

Strategies for Apartment Living with a Small Dog

  • Create a Dedicated Space: Establish a specific area in your apartment for your dog, complete with a comfortable bed and toys. This helps your dog feel secure and contained.
  • Routine is Key: Maintain a consistent daily routine including feeding, walks, and playtime to help your dog feel settled.
  • Noise Control: Use noise-masking items like a white noise machine or soft music to help your dog stay calm when you’re not home.
  • Boredom Busters: Provide interactive toys and puzzles to keep your dog entertained and prevent boredom-related behaviors.
  • Neighborly Considerations: Inform neighbors about your pet and assure them of your commitment to maintaining a quiet environment.

Managing Dog Behavior to Avoid Disturbances

  • Positive Reinforcement Training: Encourage quiet behavior with treats and praise, discouraging barking or noisy play.
  • Desensitization Training: Gradually expose your dog to common apartment noises, rewarding calm reactions.
  • Regular Exercise: Ensure your dog gets enough physical activity to burn off excess energy.
  • Mental Stimulation: Engage your dog in activities that challenge their mind, reducing the likelihood of disruptive behavior.
  • Professional Advice: If behavior issues persist, consider consulting a professional dog trainer for personalized advice.

These tips aim to make apartment living with a small, quiet dog a more enjoyable and less stressful experience.

By understanding and catering to the needs of your pet, you can ensure a peaceful home environment for both of you.


Frequently asked questions provide valuable insights into common concerns and curiosities about small, quiet dog breeds, especially for those considering them as pets in an apartment setting. Here are some concise answers to some of the most common queries.

H3: Which Small Dog Breeds are Best for First-Time Owners?

Breeds like the Bichon Frise, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and Shih Tzu are excellent for first-time owners. They are generally easy to train, have a calm demeanor, and adapt well to different living environments, making them ideal for beginners.

H3: How Can I Ensure My Dog Stays Quiet in the Apartment?

To ensure your dog stays quiet:

  • Provide regular exercise to burn off excess energy.
  • Engage in training sessions to teach them to respond to a ‘quiet’ command.
  • Offer mentally stimulating toys to keep them occupied.
  • Ensure they have a comfortable, designated space to relax in your apartment.

H3: Are There Any Specific Health Concerns for These Breeds?

Small dog breeds can be prone to dental issues, obesity, and patellar luxation. Regular veterinary check-ups, a proper diet, and maintaining a healthy weight are crucial for their well-being. Each breed may have its unique health concerns, so researching the specific breed is important.

H3: What are the Exercise Needs of These Small, Quiet Breeds?

The exercise needs of small, quiet breeds vary. Generally, they require moderate exercise, such as daily walks and playtime. Breeds like the Pomeranian and Yorkshire Terrier enjoy more active play, while others like the Pekingese and Bolognese require less physical activity.


Choosing the right dog breed for apartment living is a decision that demands thoughtful consideration.

Small, quiet breeds offer numerous advantages for apartment dwellers, particularly for working women seeking a harmonious balance between their professional life and pet ownership. These breeds not only adapt well to smaller living spaces but also contribute to a peaceful living environment.

By selecting a breed that aligns with your lifestyle, space, and personality, you ensure a rewarding and joyful companionship. Remember, the right pet can transform an apartment into a home filled with love and tranquility.


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