Will Dogs Die if They Eat Chocolate?

will dogs die if they eat chocolate

Still confused and want to know “Will dogs die if they eat chocolate“. So, the answer is; yes, dogs can die if they eat chocolate in a surplus amount. Chocolate contains Theobromine and caffeine, which are toxic for small dogs. Additionally, small dogs cannot metabolize both ingredients as well as humans do. 

We all have made the mistake of feeding a chocolate bar to our small dog while he is chilling with us on the couch. However, if you discovered what could happen if your dog ate cocoa powder, you would never think of doing so again!

As a respectable owner of your little furry friend, you must know how chocolate can pose a life threat to your small dog. Whether serving raw food or homemade food recipes to your dog, never garnish them with chocolate or cocoa powder. 

In today’s article, our expert panel will answer all your queries relating to can dogs have a little bit of chocolate and what to give a dog if they eat chocolate. Stay tuned as we will reveal healthy food alternatives your small dog can have instead of chocolates.

Why Is Chocolate Toxic for Small Dogs?

Chocolate is toxic for small dogs because it contains caffeine and theobromine. When combined together, these components are known as methylxanthines and can cause a lot of conditions in small dogs. 

The signs of this chocolate overdose can initially range from mild diarrhea to vomiting. However, these symptoms can worsen with time, resulting in increased thirst, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rate, and increased urination. In severe conditions, overdosing on these chemicals can also result in tremors, seizures, and eventually leading towards coma. 

If you’re still wondering is cocoa powder bad for dogs, the answer is obviously yes. Don’t trick yourself into thinking that your puppy can consume cocoa dog do find it tempting sometimes. However, the thing is that Cocoa powder contains a higher concentration of methylxanthines compared to other forms of chocolate. In short, cocoa powder dogs aren’t a good combo at all!

Another reason why will dogs die if they eat chocolate is that it contains high amounts of fats. Now you must be wondering how peanut butter is safe to consume compared to chocolate or cocoa powder when all are sweet. The saturated fat count in chocolates is 18.519g, while peanut butter has 10.325.

This high fat count can lead to pancreatitis in dogs, resulting in gradual death. However, this danger isn’t limited to chocolates only. Any raw or processed treats having high-fat content can lead to this condition. 


After consumption of chocolate or cocoa dog will experience toxicity within one to four hours of ingestion. However, this time can also vary accordingly to the amount of chocolate or cocoa powder dogs would have ingested at that moment. Additionally, it can also depend on your small dog’s metabolism rate and the amount of water he had that day. All in all, if your dog ate cocoa powder or chocolate, make sure you are aware of the quantity he had before panicking.

How Much Chocolate Can a Small Dog Consume?

Small dogs should not consume any amount of chocolate as it is toxic to them. However, a total of 1.5 ounces of chocolate per 10 pounds of body weight is safe to consume by your large breed dog. Chocolates are incredibly poisonous to small dogs.

With anything more than the above-mentioned quantity, whether it’s chocolate or cocoa powder dogs can end up getting a high level of toxicity. However, on the other hand, small toy breed dogs must not be allowed even to have a bite of a chocolate bar or cocoa. 

The toxicity caused by chocolate also depends on the amount ingested and the size of your dog. Small dogs are particularly vulnerable to chocolate toxicity due to their lower body weight and inability to metabolize theobromine effectively. 

Will dogs die if they eat chocolate? Yes, if they are small breed toy dogs.

Is Cocoa Powder Bad for Dogs?

Yes, cocoa powder is bad for dogs. No matter if it is small or large breed dogs, the answer to the question Can dogs have cocoa powder remains no! So, why is cocoa dog a toxic combination? Basically, cocoa powder is in its purest form without any additives or processed ingredients. 

Cocoa powder contains about 26 mg of theobromine per gram, which is indeed a huge amount. So, even if your dog ate cocoa powder that is as little as a few grams, it could potentially induce seizures in your furry friend.

It is important to keep cocoa powder and all chocolate products out of reach of dogs to prevent accidental ingestion. If you suspect your dog ate cocoa powder, it is crucial to seek immediate veterinary care. Contact your veterinarian or an emergency veterinary clinic for guidance and potential treatment.

What Can Small Dogs Eat Instead of Chocolates?

Your small dog can eat delicious healthy treats instead of chocolates. Not only is cocoa powder bad for dogs, but it can also induce other severe health issues. One readily available alternative to chocolates and cocoa powder dogs can have is unsweetened carob, usually found in probiotics or other pet treats. Below we have compiled a list of treats you can give your small dog.  


Small dogs cannot eat cakes made for humans because of the high sugar content, which can lead to upset stomachs and other digestive issues. However, now you can get your small dog his cake and let him celebrate in style. 

Whether it’s his birthday or you just want your small dog a VIP treatment, a good cake mix for dogs will help you to make everything fine. Additionally, do not add cocoa powder or chocolate to the mix to not think about whether will dogs die if they eat chocolate.


Another sweet treat that you can give your small dog is a pup-sicle. Yes, we are talking about a popsicle for puppies. These ice sticks can also be served as cool treats for small dogs during summer to help them cool off.  

Avoid adding chocolate or any of its substitutes to avoid ending up thinking about whether will dogs die if they eat chocolate later. However, if you end up doing so and you come to know that the dog ate cocoa powder, contact your dog’s veterinarian ASAP. 

Healthy Probiotic Treats 

Probiotics can benefit your small dogs when served in moderate portions. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria supporting a healthy gut and overall digestive system. They help maintain a balanced gut and improve nutrient absorption.

When choosing probiotic treats for your small dog, go for high-quality options. Additionally, look out for treats that are specifically formulated for small dogs. These treats should contain a suitable strain of probiotics and provide the recommended dosage for your dog’s size.

Moderation is key when offering probiotic treats to your small dog. Follow the recommended serving size and consult your veterinarian.

Will Dogs Die if They Eat Chocolate?

Yes, dogs can die if they eat chocolate in a surplus amount. Dogs are poisonous to theobromine and caffeine found in chocolate. The type of chocolate, the quantity consumed, and the size of the dog all affect how hazardous the substance is.

So, how will dogs die if they eat chocolate? Theobromine and caffeine can have a number of negative consequences on canines, including accelerated heart rate, agitation, tremors, restlessness, nausea, diarrhea, raised body temperature, tight muscles, seizures, and even cardiac arrest. .

What to Do if a Dog Ate Cocoa Powder?

If a dog ate cocoa powder or any other form of chocolate, you first need to identify the amount he had consumed. Next, you need to call your vet to see if he is available for help or not. Your vet will either ask you to bring your dog to the clinic or administer home-based remedies if the condition isn’t severe.  

What to Give a Dog if They Eat Chocolate?

If your dog ate cocoa powder or any other chocolate, do not panic; first of all, find out how much he has consumed. When you have acknowledged the amount, you can either take your dog to a vet or administer some home remedies to get rid of the chocolate from his gut. 

Clinically Induced Vomiting

This is the most common treatment if your dog ate cocoa powder or chocolate. However, your vet will only attempt this method if only 10 or 20 minutes have passed since your dog’s consumption. This method will be avoided if two or more hours have passed since your dog had chocolate. Also, if the puppy is already feeling sick, there is no use in inducing vomiting after the dog ate cocoa powder. 

Medicinal Treatment

If the dog ate cocoa powder or chocolate and is now highly intoxicated, your vet will have to undergo other treatments. He might have to administer intravenous fluids or other medicines to control his heartbeat. 

Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment

This method is one of the most effective home-based remedies if your dog gets intoxicated after he eats chocolate. Make sure you have 3% hydrogen peroxide because anything higher than that can cause a high level of toxicity. Administer 1 teaspoon per 5 pounds of the dog’s body weight. 

Your dog can throw up within 1-15 minutes of the consumption. Hydrogen peroxide can irritate the digestive system of dogs, causing them to vomit the consumed food. Additionally, this vomiting can last 45 minutes, so ensure your dog is in a comfortable place.

Can Small Dogs Have Chocolate Milk?

No, your small dogs cannot have chocolate milk. Chocolate contains methylxanthines which can actually upset the stomach of your small dog. Moreover, a lot of small dogs are lactose intolerant and will have difficulty digesting milk. So, overall will dogs die if they eat chocolate with milk? Then the answer is yes. 

Can Dogs Have a Little Bit of Chocolate?

Yes, dogs can have a little bit of chocolate. This should be less than a gram or so. The thing is that only in moderate amounts can dogs have a little bit of chocolate. Anything exceeding the normal proportion will end up causing extreme level poisoning in small dogs. Only will dogs die if they eat chocolate in an unacceptable amount. 

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully, we have provided enough information on whether will dogs die if they eat chocolate. Next time when your small dog ate cocoa powder or chocolate, don’t panic and work on how much he has induced and have them vomit right away before anything serious happens. 


How Much Chocolate Is Toxic to Small Dogs?

Chocolate that is more than 1.5 ounces is toxic for small dogs. However, this amount can vary depending on the size of your dog and the type of chocolate he has consumed. The purest the form of chocolate, the more toxic it will be.

Will a Little Chocolate Hurt a Small Dog?

No, a little chocolate or a piece of it won’t hurt your small dog. However, if the amount exceeds, it can cause poisoning in small dogs. So, if your small dog ever consumes chocolate, monitor him closely.

What if My Dog Eats a Small Amount of Chocolate?

If your small dog eats a small amount of chocolate, he must be monitored carefully for symptoms. If you believe the amount consumed is not small, you can try inducing vomiting using hydrogen peroxide.

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